Lightsky’s Inspiring Start to 2024: A Journey of Dedication and Excellence

On the first day of work, we were thrilled to witness the unwavering dedication and diligence of all our team members. Under the guidance of our esteemed leaders, we embarked on the year 2024 with a resounding New Year’s opening ceremony, marked by the jubilant sound of salutes.

As the firecrackers ignited, a new journey unfolded before us at Lightsky. This moment signifies not only a fresh start but also a collective opportunity for us to illuminate our path with brilliance.

Under the leadership of Chairman ZHANG XIANGNONG, high expectations for the upcoming year have been set. Emphasizing the core values of unity, collaboration, diligence, and an enterprising spirit, we are reminded of the significance of our collective efforts in propelling Lightsky towards new heights.

To enrich the celebratory atmosphere, red envelopes filled with blessings and well wishes were graciously shared with all employees. Chairman ZHANG XIANGNONG personally extended New Year blessings, reinforcing our shared aspiration for prosperity in the coming year.

Looking towards the future, we are filled with confidence. A new journey has begun, and together, we are prepared to face every challenge with enthusiasm and determination. Let us strive for even greater achievements in the year ahead.

As we move forward hand in hand, let us light up the path ahead with our shared commitment and unwavering spirit. Together, let us create brilliance and embrace a year filled with prosperity and success.